To provide powerpoint slides or not

I have a course published and for the course, I used Powerpoint slides.

I received a request from a student for the slides. I am thinking of uploading the PDF version of the slides as resource material, but is that a good idea? Would love to hear experienced instructors' opinions about this. Thank you!


  • AHardin
    AHardin Posts: 546 visionary rank

    I think it's a good idea and a valuable study resource for students. Some students like to have a print out they can scribble notes on as they take a course and others like to be able to review course material away from their computer. By adding extra value to your students, you also increase their overall satisfaction and positive reviews of your course, so it's a win-win.

    For my courses I either provide PDF version of the course PowerPoint slides or a course companion study guide eBook PDF.

  • I see several instructors that do not provide ppts, sometimes claiming copyright reasons. I always provide as pdfs, and use that as a marketing strategy. If you decide so, put your brand on it, so if they are shared with third parties, they will get to know you

  • Thank you for your valuable comment! Yes, I was wondering about copyright issues. I feel more comfortable now providing my slides knowing that many instructors do provide power points!

  • Hello AHardin,

    Thank you for your valuable opinion. I, myself prefer to have a print out when I'm learning. I feel much more comfortable providing my course in PDF version now. Thank you!

  • AHardin
    AHardin Posts: 546 visionary rank

    , you're welcome!