Seeing Course as Prospective Purchaser

I have posted three courses, but only submitted one for approval.

It is now approved, but is set at PRIVATE/password protected.

When it is in this state, before going public, how can I see exactly what a prospective buyer will see?

The student view doesn't show me enough.

I want to see a more realistic view so I know it is perfect BEFORE going public!


  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @MCHI358, thanks for reaching out! At the moment, the only way to preview your course landing page before your course gets published is by using the ''Preview as student'' function. Can you perhaps explain what you were hoping to be able to see as a student that you're not being able to see at the moment? if you let me know, I can possibly recommend a workaround or alternative solution. Thanks for your cooperation!

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community

  • I want to see what everyone sees when they are thinking about buying a course - the price, the tab where you can enter the coupon code, plus the amount of video minutes, articles, etc. The only way it seems this might be possible is for me to send myself the link to the private course at an email address that I've not used before and click on that link from there. Before I enter the coupon code I should be able to see what a prospective buyer will see. Is this the best way to achieve that view?

    Also - I have MOST of my course in resources. The "lectures" are video introductions to each day's work. Does Udemy count the minutes of audio and video content in the resources and show them to the prospective buyer? I also have text documents in the resources - are those counted as "articles"?

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,573 Udemy rank

    MCHI358 Yes, the only option to see the course landing page ( the way possible students will see it) is by opening the course with a different account or using an incognito window. This way you will see the course description, course price, course promo video, objectives, and preview lectures.

    Currently, video files will count towards the course duration, downloadable articles might not count towards the course duration.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Moderator