Eğitim videoları yükleme

Kurs platformuna eğitim videoları çektim ancak bir türlü yükleyemiyorum.Sürekli hata veriyor.

İstendiği şekilde video oluşturduğum halde bir türlü yüklenmiyor.


  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @NazanOzkal746, sorry to hear you're having trouble uploading your videos. Just to clarify, is your course free or paid? Keep in mind that if you're creating a free course, you won't be able to upload content past the 2h limit. You'll need to set up a price for your course in order to continue.

    If your course is already paid, please refer to this article on how you can troubleshoot common video uploading issues.

    If none of these resolve the problem, please feel free to contact the Instructor Support team with more details and they'll be more than happy to assist you further!

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community

  • Merhaba,

    Video eçkiminiz en az 720 p video çözünürlüğünde olmalı.Tüm ekran kaplamalı. Başka bir internet tarayıcısından yüklemeye çalışın.Udemy instructor belgelerini tamamladıysanız yüklemede sorun olmaması lazım.

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,536 Udemy rank

    ibrahimcaner88 I'll recommend you send an email to instructorsupport@udemy.com and provide as many details as you can to the team so they can help you out.

    Let me know if you need anything else.

