Join us for an AMA with Jacob Coulter, Senior Director Product Management



  • Another question is about quality learning materials. I have seen some of the instructors just reading out onscreen while capturing their face/teaching at the same time. This is bad, cuz i want to mean that they can just show the previously-made slides instead of showing their face while they read out. Udemy should be strict about low quality content management. I wanna ask him if he has any plan about the management of those contents. thanks.

  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 457 mentor rank

    Hi all, I will be at the webinar. Is there a way to have a chat function with students, where instructors can post an article or quick video? Substack is offering this option for my newsletter. This way, people can get to know me and see if my newsletter fits what they are interested in. Could the same occur to connect with students on Udemy for Business?

  • I had previously registered to attend the AMA. I had to cancel because I received an email earlier today about another meeting that I had registered for at the beginning of the month. It is schedule at the same time date and time as the AMA with Jacob Coulter. I can't cancel that Webinar because it's related to Professional Development in my career. Hopefully, the AMA will be available for me to watch at a later date.

    Thanks for understanding,

    Best regards,

    Ms. Nina Nwaobilo

  • Can I post any guides on here, I am not that good with people and just started now, I am also a 16-year old student and want to learn more about this business!

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi everyone! Our AMA session with Jacob will be starting in just 10 minutes. There is still time to register and join, just click on this link. We hope to see you all there!

  • Great Webinar! Thank you Udemy team

    for organising a meeting like this.

    And thank you Jacob for your time

    and everything. I learnt a lot,🧗🏽‍♂

  • Looking forward to the recording.

  • Me too! I want to see the recording.

  • It was a great webinar and was good to know what future initiatives and plans are in place.

    best regards


  • The recording? Thanks!