Portuguese... how much does the accent matter?

Hello fellow instructors!
Hope the first month is going well, and if not, I wish you resilience to face those challenges!
I have created two courses: one in English and another in Portuguese. In the Portuguese course, I have consciously articulated my words carefully, because I want to make it more accessible to people around the world, not just people who live in Portugal. I'm actually requesting honest opinions from people who understand Portuguese: could you have a listen to one of my videos and let me know if you think it's clear enough?
Thanks so much!
Hi @RaquelCoelho, that's a very interesting question. I believe instructors in the Portuguese Community will be best suited to help you with this one. Feel free to create a post there and I'm sure the community will be happy to share their thoughts with you!
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Olá Raquel
Eu sou brasileiro, de São Paulo, e tive a oportunidade de ver os vídeos promocionais de "Explorando os teus múltiplos sentidos da vida!" e não tive qualquer dificuldade em compreender a pronúncia das palavras e as construções das frases.
Parabéns pelos cursos e desejo muito sucesso nesta plataforma.
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Not very much