Support for Markers and Chapters in videos on Udemy?

I create the videos for my Udemy courses using Screenflow on the Mac.
Screenflow has an option "Add Chapter Track from Markers". I place the markers at specific, logical points in the video.
When the video is played using Quicktime on the Mac, the user can jump to the next marker or the previous marker using a menu item ("Next Chapter" or "Previous Chapter") or the equivalent keyboard commands.
Similarly, when the video is played in VLC, the user can see a pop-up menu of all the chapter titles, and can jump to any chapter using these menu items.
Will these markers/chapters and the ability to jump to a marker/chapter be preserved when the video is shown in my course on Udemy?


  • AFAIK it will get overridden by the web player. I checked the preview lectures to confirm since I haven't used ScreenFlow. The player in the preview doesn't seem to recognize the markers.

    - You may preview the lectures through the "curriculum" in the course creation and admin suite.

    - You could also check through preview from incognito or logged out session of Udemy.