Referral Link

Hello everyone

Quick problem you might be able to help with:

I want to have 2-3 people bringing people to Udemy for my course.

I need to be able to reward those people individually.

However, there only seems to be ONE referral link available. This means I won't know which person brought in the customer.


Is there a way to generate more than one referral link?


Should it be done through coupons? (I'm not sure how this would work as I don't want to change the price).

Thank you so much for your help
(and Admin Jean for pointing me here),



  • yes u can d this by creative more coupans and vary your price such as 1 ruppe more or less then the price

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,390 Udemy rank

    Hi @ChrisJT965 Since referral links are automatically generated, it is not possible to create second referral links. You have the option to create three coupons per month, please see the following article for more details on coupon creation. Please submit an email request through this link if you have additional questions, and our support team will assist you.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Moderator