Saving problems

I am trying to create my first course on Udemy but unfortunately, none of the pages are saving my work. I click on the save button on the top right of the page, but its just not saving anything. Did anyone else have this issue, if so what was the solution to it?
I look forward to responses.
Please add a screenshot to help readers understand the exact page. If you are talking about the course landing page, then have you confirmed that all the Mandatory fields and word limit requirements are met? Is the any other error message in pop ups?
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The below screen for example for adding input to the 'Intended learners' page, you see I have circled the 'Save' button - you notice its gone Grey colour, meaning I cant click on it, when it was white before and I pressed, it the a red circle with cross line in it appeared on the mouse. I spent months on my course and the final part is now causing me issues.
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I think first enter atleast 4 outcomes .Then create "a section" next ,then only create "lectures."if it's incomplete may be you will get wrong.right side corner observe all are getting green tick once.above are not worked out,in YouTube you can find video how to create a course.
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Hi @ZaraRoy254
Welcome to the community and thank you for asking about saving problems, I am sure that a few other new instructors may encounter the same problem.
Allow me first to suggest to you that this link and so many other links in the Udemy instructors community are very useful to read and may reread:
as for creating a new course, I recommend these straightforward steps to create your course with minimal required sections so you can save it.
1. Save after completing an item, do not type everything then save.
2. pick a category and a subcategory for your course, because you need to list your course under these two topics
3. when you click on create a course, you will get 2 options: Course, Practice test
you need to choose Course and hit continue option
4. you will be asked to enter a working title = so here you need to enter your course title , your title must not exceed 60 characters, after entering the title, hit the continue option
5. you will e asked to enter a category using a drop down menu, then hit the continue option
6. you will e asked to choose an option on how much time do you spend to create your course, choose what you think fits you and now you are ready to hit the option create a course
7. now you are presented with a window to start creating the structure content of your course
on the left side you your see Plan your course
you just need, to start, fill in the required sections: Intended learners , Course structure
8. for the Intended learners , you need at least 4 learning objectives or outcomes,
fill those 4 items, 160 characters each item
9. now fill in the item requirements or prerequisites
10. fill in the who is this course for
I have done exactly the above steps, and now I see that the SAVE button is light-grey
to make sure that is the minimum
I will click now the save button to make sure that I can reproduce the question you have asked
I just hit the save and the answer I got is: you have just successfully created your course
notice that the save is grey NOW
do not worry ,
now you can add content to your landing page , look at the left side , at the left buttom , you will see publish your course
landing page choose this and you will get the course landing page
--- the course title is already there for you
--- you can add a course subtitle now
--- you can add course description ==== here i have added only 2 words, later on we will see what happens , it must have at least 200 words, for now , use 2 words, so we can simulate a complaint when you hit save option
now you must , under the basic info specify
a subcategory ( it is under the category)
notice now on top right = save is light-grey, preview is black
just save now
I did push save
now I get the message: your changes have not been saved, address the issue,
I get also hints in orange, telling me the course description needs to have at least 200 words
if for now you do not have paragraphs ready, you can just type the following paragraph and paste is 10 times, for now, you can change it later
I am having fun creating this course on Udemy.
I am so excited about this creation process, and my learners will enjoy this course, my learners will understand easily the topics covered, my learners will also have fun.
I just did that, pasting the paragraph 10 times
and now I push save
all is GO
you can now click on preview
to see your course, slowing getting to blossom
Have fun
Best regards,3 -
Many thanks Ahmed, it seems to be working now. Maybe saving it at every stage did the trick. I wanted to thank you for taking your precious time out to advise, you clearly spent a lot of time writing that and testing it yourself.
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Hi @ZaraRoy254
You are more than welcome Zara,
I am happy to see that you got it working,
As you have said it, it helps to save the editing work every few minutes.
We are instructors, like you: spending precious time teaching or advising or testing an idea that helps our learners is part of our work.
Thank you for you kind words Zara, and good luck on your courses creation and on your teachings.
Best regards,0 -
Thanks a lot. It also help me.