Udemy blocked my instructor account

Hi all,
I uploaded 8 videos of Python projects three months ago. Those videos were from my YouTube channel or you can say those were my YouTube videos that i uploaded on udemy as a course.
But one day i received an email from udemy that my account has been completely blocked. I am not able to login to that account. My past months earnings also gone.
Udemy doesn't mentioned any clear reason for this block. I mailed to get the reason but no reply.
What do you guys think about it ? Is it good to be an instructor on udemy...
Hi @Ankitsingh999, I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you're experiencing with your account being blocked. There may be several reasons why your account has been blocked. However, as a member of the community team, I don't have access to this information. I would recommend that you send another email to our Trust and Safety team and look for any message you received from policy@udemy.com in your inbox, as they are the best equipped to assist you with your account issue. They will be able to provide you with more information regarding the reasons behind the account block and assist you with any next steps.
Please let me know if there is anything else that I can assist you with in the meantime!
Bella Almeida
Udemy Community