Is This Link Allowed in Course Content? Specific Case

Hi there,

I'm about to launch a new course and I wanted to ask if the following link is allowed in the content.

I've read:

However, I still have doubts about whether it's allowed or not.

I want to include a link to a landing page where I offer my book and guide related to the course, completely for free.

But on the landing page, I ask for an email, which would be personal information.

Is this allowed?

Thank you!


  • AHardin
    AHardin Posts: 549 visionary rank

    For a definitive answer, you'll want to email Udemy Trust and Safety ( since instructors here can only speculate on whether it's allowed or not.

  • Thanks!

  • I suspect it will only be allowed in the bonus lesson at the very end of your course.

  • No, you cannot link a book on your landing page or ask for an email. Both are not allowed on the landing page of your course.

    However, you can do both in the Bonus Section of your course. You can encourage your students to check out your bonus section but to be honest, I wouldn't mention what is in there explicitly in any email just to be safe.

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you,