Benefit of a Course Theme

I’ve written a number of books, both fiction and nonfiction. Each book had a theme, such as “children are rule followers, adults should become rule makers.” Until now, I have neglected doing that for my courses. What a mistake.

My course on teambuilding is a good example. Without a theme, my course competed against all such courses, many of which taught well-known team building models. The model I teach is not well known, so it is floundering.

I am going to give the course a theme: “Team building can be simple, easy, quick and effective.” This tagline will differentiate my course from others. It’s the classic effort to be different and better than the competition. Creating a theme helps me find that element in my courses.

As an academic, I tend to focus on content, not the student. Creating a theme aimed at engaging potential students helps me overcome this tendency.


  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 1,907 Udemy rank

    Hi @RobertBrown028

    Thank you for sharing this with us!

    Your approach of considering your target audience when choosing keywords, topics, and themes is a great strategy. We are excited to see the impact of implementing this approach on your course performance.

    Please do keep us updated on how it goes!