2 payments not recieved yet

Greetings, up to this point, two months' worth of payment are yet to be settled and remain outstanding, despite the amount being insignificant to me. I would like to ensure that all requirements have been met and that there are no issues causing the delay. I have submitted all necessary documents, which were subsequently approved. I have attempted to reach out to both Udemy support and Payoneer team, but unfortunately, I have not received any response. Please refer to the attached picture for further information.

Please advice.



  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,303 Udemy rank

    Hi @Ahmad.Elhajjar

    We are sorry to hear you haven't received your payments yet. I took a look into the system, and couldn't find any new tickets from you. The last one was from the 25th of March.

    Can you please open a new one here? The team will be looking into that and get back to you as soon as possible.

    Thank you!

  • Upon clicking on the link, it opened in what I believe to be the German language, which was unfamiliar to me.

  • I used a different link to submit a new ticket now. Could you please confirm if there is a ticket created under my name now?

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,303 Udemy rank

    Hi @Ahmad.Elhajjar

    I can confirm that we received your request.

    The team will follow up with you as soon as possible.

    Thank you!

  • I'm glad to hear that. Thank you very much for your support.

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,303 Udemy rank


  • Greetings, I was notified by the support team that the funds would be received on May 22nd, but I have not received anything thus far. Despite sending an email regarding this matter, I have not received any response. It is essential for me to understand the current situation.

  • I'm at a loss for words. I've reached out to Udemy's support team multiple times regarding the payment delays, and each time they assured me that I would receive the payment within 20 days. However, nothing has materialized so far, despite being promised the payment on four different occasions. Today, on June 5th, they assured me once again that I would receive the payment, but nothing has arrived. To make matters worse, I received an email stating that there was a system issue, causing the payments to be postponed until June 22nd. Unfortunately, I have a strong belief that this situation will repeat itself. I desperately need a definitive and reliable response. Please refer to the attached pictures for reference.

    They only acknowledged the first two payments, but there should actually be four outstanding payments that are due.



  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,689 Udemy rank

    Hi @Ahmad.Elhajjar
    It is completely understandable that you are eager to get your payment to your account; however, here in the community, we do not have the means to investigate your request. You should follow up with the support team via the initial request you made. I'm sure they are working on a solution to get the payment to you.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Moderator

  • I have a strong sense of being trapped in a never-ending cycle. Despite sending it multiple times, I managed to send a reminder to support team only one day before the given deadline, yet I find myself in the same predicament. I can't comprehend why my situation isn't being treated as exceptional, so they promptly send the required amount in an attempt to resolve the issue. However, I'm now required to wait until the 22nd of June. What lies ahead? Will I receive yet another response asking me to wait for another extended period of time?

  • I am delighted to share that my issue has been resolved, and I am grateful to Udemy support team for their assistance in resolving it.

  • @MarinaT
    hi Marina

    can you help me plz? My payment is delayed for 10 days now after my expected payment date passed it was 10th June 2024

    Thank you in advance

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,303 Udemy rank

    Hi @SarwatAbulmagd

    I'm sorry to hear you haven't received your payment yet. Unfortunately, we can't provide account-level support here in the community. Please reach out to our instructor support team by clicking here and selecting “Contact Us” on the right. They have the necessary tools to assist you with this issue.

    Thank you for your understanding. If you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know.