A message from our CEO and important instructor updates.


Hey, instructors,

We’ve heard your requests for transparency, for more of a look into what’s happening at Udemy. That’s why we’re launching a semi-regular series looking at all things instructor at Udemy.

In this inaugural edition, we‘re introducing our new CEO, Greg Brown, and talking about new investments, recent successes, areas for improvement, and our plans to make a more cohesive, learner-centric Udemy.

So, take a look at Greg’s welcome video below and then head over to the Teaching Center for a deeper look.


  • I am liking this

  • Congratulations to our new CEO,

    Greg Brown, more grease to your elbow, sir.

    And thank you for that speach, very encouraging.

    It's so good to know that we are progressing

    but not collapsing like Silicon Valley Bank.

    I wish you huge success, sir.

    And thank you @RyanJaress
    for the update.

    You are really doing a great job, brother. Thank you.

  • Congratulation Mr. Greg

    with my best wishes

  • Glad to hear. Congratulations sir

  • Udemy to be Great

  • Mina Magdy
    Mina Magdy Posts: 2 researcher rank


  • I am excited to use AI to enhance my future video creations and to start my instructor journey at Udemy.com.

  • AliasMu
    AliasMu Posts: 28 traveler rank

    I appreciate you providing this fascinating update! It's encouraging to learn that Udemy is paying attention to our input and emphasizing transparency. I'm eager to see Greg Brown's introduction video and learn more about the recent achievements, new investments, and ambitions for a more unified, learner-centric Udemy.

    I value the effort made to give us a more thorough understanding of what is taking place in the background. The orientation of the platform must be understood by educators, and they must maintain awareness of it. I'll be certain to stop by the Teaching Center to learn more.

    I appreciate you keeping us informed, and I'm thrilled to be a part of Udemy's effort to give our students an even better educational experience.

  • Congratulations! And I like seeing Udemy growing and changing.