*Feedback Thread* How are we doing with the content we create?

Hey Instructor Community!

At the end of each month, we want to take some time to gather feedback from you! As we went through the month of May, we covered topics related to AV. We created various posts and questions to stimulate conversation about how instructors improve their content creation setup on Udemy. We’d love to hear what you think about your experience within the community and what more we can do to help you.

Are there any pieces of feedback you have for the content we created in the month of May?

Send us your suggestions in the comments below!


  • Hi Christie @ChrystieV

    Thank you for posting a great question.

    Personally, I have watched most of the webinars you and the community managers have hosted.

    I have really liked the management enthusiasm and positive attitudes, as well as the invited speakers eagerness to give great ideas, suggestions and advice to all of us community instructors.

    I do think that one or more webinars covering audio/video creation with recommendations on best practices targeting the online style of creating engaging videos for learners could help many of us, because online teaching can be more challenging that teaching in person: the instructor has no instantaneous feedback from learners, such as face expression, body language during an adaptive lecture delivery.

    Best regards,

  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 441 mentor rank

    You all do a great job moderating and offering helpful content. The meet ups are positive. Kudos because building and maintaining community has its challenges. We are distracted and busy with lots of choices, and got burned out on webinars for a while in 2020. Keep the momentum going!

    AITCD Posts: 117 trailblazer rank

    Hello @ChrystieV

    Firstly, I would like to appreciate all the hard work that the Udemy team puts into creating engaging content and fostering a sense of community. The resources shared during the month of May, particularly around AV, have been enlightening.

    The posts and discussions have provided valuable insights into content creation and setup, which is a critical aspect of course design. The exchange of ideas and experiences has been beneficial, and it's always enlightening to learn from others' perspectives and solutions.

    That being said, here are a few suggestions for future content:

    1. Case Studies: I think it would be interesting to read case studies of successful instructors who have made significant strides in their fields. Learning about their journey, obstacles, and how they overcame them could be quite inspiring and instructive.

    2. Tech Recommendations: As technology evolves, so do the tools we use for course creation. Regular updates on recommended hardware and software could be beneficial. Maybe even a monthly 'tech spotlight' on a tool or software that could aid course creation.

    3. Guest Posts: Inviting experienced instructors or industry experts to write guest posts could add diverse viewpoints to the discussions and enhance learning.

    4. Themed Discussions: You could introduce themed weeks where we focus on a particular aspect of course creation. This would create a focused and deeper conversation on the chosen theme.

    5. Live Q&A sessions: Organizing live Q&A sessions with Udemy officials or successful instructors could be a great interactive addition.

    Overall, I believe the community is growing stronger and providing value to its members. Keep up the good work!

    Best regards,

    Team AITCD