
I was recently approached by what looks like a Udemy port called Bitdegree interested in my courses? They even offered to upload my videos for me, but I'm not sure how legit this platform is? Does anyone have any experience with this company? Would appreciate knowing if anyone has had success with then or heard anything?


  • @saintfester

    I was approached by the same company only they pointed me to their instructor interface rather than offering to upload for me.

    Unfortunately, their instructor interface was so broken as to be unuseable. I reported this to my contact only to be contacted a week later with an offer from a different contact.

    I suspect they're yet another teaching platform suffering from terrible growing pains. If you haven't already done so, get your courses on Udemy and port them to SkillShare. Then begin to investigate StackCommerce and iStudy. Only do Teachable if you have a marketing platform. These are the only 5 viable platforms I've found so far.

    Hope this helps,


  • I received that too. I logged in to see what it was about. They make it look like they have thousands of followers, tons of courses, but in the end, I didn't recognize any big names. I tried their user interface and it was bad, it would have taken forever to upload a course. I reached to let them know I wasn't interested because of these issues, they replied that their platform was new (then how do they fake those hundreds of thousands of views??) and still under construction and that they would upload the course for me. No thank you.

    Always do research before uploading to other places. Are they doing marketing? How much do they take? Is it a revenue share program (I think Skillshare splits the pot with all instructors based on hours viewed, and they offer single videos instead of full courses).

  • I just had an email from them. What was different to other sites like that is, that they asked for a specific course of mine - just one of my German courses!

    I checked out their site, especially German courses. They have one free German course by a tutor who is an IT tutor!

    I wasn't too impressed with the site. Think I'll give it a miss!