Video duration

Hello all,
What shall be the duration of a course video?
Hi @RajdeepKaur
Keeping videos between 2-7 minutes is only our recommendation to provide a better learning experience for students, as identified in research conducted by specialists, but it is definitely not a requirement it is up to you if you want to make larger videos. You can learn more about our Video Standards here.The maximum length for each video is 4 hours. Additionally, each video file cannot be larger than 4 GB as this is the limit in size.
I hope this helps!
Eliana Cerna
Udemy Community Moderator
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We all have opinions, but there is research on this. Check out the following:
The results verified that video engagement initially declines between minutes one and three, levels out between minutes six through 12, then continues a steady loss of viewer engagement after the 12-minute mark.
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Thank you!
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It is pretty interesting because I have the average length of my videos 30 mins and I tried to split it in shorter videos (2-10 mins videos) and also my sales dropped. Then I changed it back. My assumption is that (at least in my field) when the students see so many videos they assume it is too complex and too long. I also prefer less chapters than too many.