Course with same topic and same lectures like other courses

So i want to create course on udemy and my topic have other courses with same lectures in all courses. However, the name of the lecture in some courses are different and in some are same but in the end they teaching the same thing. I also want to create course on the topic and on the same lectures. So can we do this ? or on udemy on same topic only instructor with some permission allowed to have course on topic and other new instructors courses can't have same topic and same lectures like other courses ? or there is nothing like that we can have course with same topic and same lectures like other courses ?

Note :- Let's say if i am teaching python than i have to teach "variables" and other topics which is taught by other instructors what does it meant ? because for example what are "variables" will be same in every course because we can't change its use cases or it's real description ?

@Leonor C.
or @Bella
please answer


  • Leonor C.
    Leonor C. Posts: 1,148 Udemy rank

    Hello @TaranjotSin801

    Happy to help! There is no objection on the topic names of yur course, you can absolutey create a course with the same topic as another instructor, even if you are new instructor in Udemy.

    Hope I was able to reply to your question!

    Kindest regards,


    Udemy Community team