Mandatory Quiz/Assigment/Practice test to continue course

I would like to have mandatory assignments or quizzes in my course that students must successfully complete before gaining access to the next lessons. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a definitive answer in the community, except for this:
Is this acceptably according to Udemy's rules? If yes, how can this be implemented technically?
Thank you in advance!
Hi @TatianaMitr451
,I hope you started well into your Monday
. I'm happy to clarify this! At the moment, there is no possibility to make either Quiz, Assignments, or Coding Exercises mandatory in a course.
Please note that learners' assignments are marked completed only if you provide feedback to each assignment (this is optional). That's also the reason assignments don't count towards the course completion. That being said, learners will receive the Udemy certificate of completion no matter their assignment status.
I hope that clarifies it! Please let me know if you have additional questions.1