Is conversion rate of 4,44% low?

Hello dear instructors,

I launched a course one year ago and I have a conversion rate of 4,44%. I therefore wanted to ask if this conversion rate is low according to your experience? I am teaching in the interior design field.




  • MichaelPog
    MichaelPog Posts: 999 rolemodel rank

    you can go to the marketplace insights and see the average conversation rate for your topic.

    If yours is lower than that then it's not great.

  • gimatek
    gimatek Posts: 13 traveler rank

    Hi Michael. Thank you for your reply! Highly appreciated. When I check marketplace insights I only see that there is a high demand for the interior design topic, however, I don't see anywhere the conversion rate. Can you please guide me along?



  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,246 Udemy rank

    Hi @gimatek

    How are you doing?

    As @MichaelPog
    said correctly, the marketplace insights tool is your “go-to” here. I searched for “Interior Design” and it showed an average conversion of 3.8% when scrolling down.

    You are doing well!

    Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 12.51.47.png

  • Amazing MarinaT! Thank you so much for this insight