can a course be slightly over 2 hours to be free?

Does udemy have no wiggle room to allow the under 2 hours course that are slightly over to be set as free?


  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,893 rolemodel rank

    The short answer is no; policies like that are enforced by algorithms, not by humans with "wiggle room."

    The longer answer is: why do you want it to be free in the first place? Free courses usually just attract trouble. They made it harder to create free courses for a reason - they attract pirates, students who don't engage, and often negative reviews from trolls who have nothing better to do. And since you can't send promotional announcements to free students, it's not a great strategy as a promotional tool anymore either.

    You can however still use a judicious amount of carefully-sent free coupons to promote your course, even if the course itself isn't free.

  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 457 mentor rank

    Under 2 hours is the rule, so you may want to add articles in the lecture space instead of a video. This is one way to reduce the time.