Udemy Payout and Paypal transfer

Hello, I created the first course and made approximately $63. I knew in advance that the profits are transferred automatically to the payment method I chose in the first 10 working days of the month. I just want to make sure that this profit will be transferred to me during the coming days.


  • Leonor C.
    Leonor C. Posts: 1,102 Udemy rank

    Hello @Ibrahim Abdelrahman

    Happy to help!

    Instructor payment overview and schedule

    Here are the steps involved in Udemy’s payment schedule for instructors.

    1. As an instructor, a contract is signed with the United States based, Udemy, Inc.
    2. The instructor’s paid course is submitted for review and published on Udemy.com
    3. In the first month, if your course receives paid enrollments, student fees are transferred to Udemy, and Udemy deducts transaction taxes and other fees from that amount as listed in the Instructor Terms.
    4. Months 1 & 2: Udemy, Inc. processes refunds, corrections, and other adjustments.
    5. Month 3: Udemy pays instructor [(total Month 1 student payments after applicable deductions – total refunds) x % revenue share]. Expected payment dates and the payment amount for a specific month are posted on your Revenue Report. All payments to instructors are from U.S.-based Udemy, Inc.

    So I would suggest you to look into your revenue report to see the date of your first payment date and if you still have any doubts about this, I would ask you to contact the instructor support and they will look into the correct dates for you.

    Here are some additional links to help you out if you need more information:

    Hope this helped! Let me know if you have any additional questions!

    Kindest regards,


    Udemy Community team