English Coffee Chat

Coffee Chat for English Instructors


  • Hey, when is the next coffee chat? I would like to attend. I have questions about how to market a course that I have republished on the platform. I’ve gotten no traffic and it’s been out for almost two months. Am I being too harsh? I’ve been promoting it via social media and have referred previous students of mine to the course. No bites yet. Any information would be appreciated.

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,177 Udemy rank

    Hi @CodyWeinman104,

    Thank you so much for your interest in our coffee chats!

    The next one is scheduled for September, although the exact date is still being discussed. Each month, our community coffee chats focus on a specific topic, and next month’s (Spoiler Alert!) will cover
    "Online Teaching Best Practices."

    In July, we discussed Social Media Marketing, and here are some of the highlights from our posts:

    Do you schedule your posts on Social-Media?
    How do you create content for your Social-Media channels?

    Also, I remember from your other post that you’re into YouTube. We had a very interesting post here discussing paid ads on YouTube, which might be worth checking out.

    Circling back to the coffee chat: We’ll be sharing an event announcement in September in the community, so stay tuned!😊

  • When next is event?

  • Bessy
    Bessy Posts: 989 Udemy rank

    Hi @Fer_n4ndo thank you for asking! ☺️

    We’ll be sharing invites for next year’s coffee chat event as soon as the date is finalized.

    Best regards,