Multilingual real course in Udemy platform

Hello everyone,
I want to comment on a problem that really exists on the Udemy platform, which is multi-language courses.

The only thing Udemy allows is to generate subtitles, but the video must be language-specific.

A big improvement would be being able to have different videos for different languages.

At the same time, another problem is that only one language is allowed on the Course Landing Page, which is also a problem if you want people who access through the captions to be able to know the philosophy and content of the course.

However, it is a great platform

Let's keep improving.

Ricardo / brqx


  • Leonor C.
    Leonor C. Posts: 1,143 Udemy rank

    Hello @brqx

    Thank you for your feedback. You are totally correct, for each course published - only one language can appear in the specific course and add the translated closed captions, but you have another option! You can write into the instructor support and ask them to clone your course for you and you can tranlate that exact course to another language. So let's say you have a Marketing 101 course in English. You can clone that course and you can tranform the same course into French, for example and publish the French version of this course with all the course landing page in French, but keep in mind that the audio must be in French as well - you cannot use English audio and add French subtitles to it. You will have 2 courses names Marketing 101 - one in English and another in French. Instructors often add the flag of the language into the course image to differenciate.

    Hope this helped!

    Kindest regards and teach on!


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