Reviews Rate Calculation
Hi all, nice to say hello! I hope you are great!
I have a question about my first course reviews.
I see that I now have 13 reviews in total and I am getting an average of 4.3 out of 5.
I would like to know how this ratio is calculated as I see that I have 9 reviews with 5, 1 review with 4.5, 2 reviews with 3.5 and 1 review with 2.5.
In total I get 4.54 and not 4.3.
This is important to me as I am just starting out and need to show confidence. But I see that the platform calculation is hurting me.
Thank you very much for your help
Best Regards
Udemy doesn't share exactly how this is calculated. It is not a direct average. It is weighted according to how many minutes were watched, whether a comment was left, and maybe other factors. The only thing you can do is make the best possible course you can.
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Hi Lawrence!
Thank you so much for your response.
Yes, at least, let's try to create the best content.
Best Regards