Planning to publish my first Udemy Class about Drawing cars this week.

Hello everyone hope your doing well!
so I am nez here, I am nearly done posting all the content and videos for my Car Drawing class, and than I will send it for Review. What should I expect after this stage, and what will be the next steps to maximize audience and sales?
Hi @ClementAlexandre
,Thanks for reaching out. We are happy to help!
How exciting that you are almost done with the content in your first course.
After you send your course for review you will need to wait for about two business days to get feedback from our team if there are not any suggestions from our team your course will be ready to be published.
I know that marketing a course can be challenging, but no worries, this is one of the most discussed topics in the community. You can find the Best Instructor Posts of All Time — Marketing here; these should provide helpful insights and best practices from other instructors.
I also recommend watching this webinar we had a few months ago, Webinar Replay: 5 Things Every Instructor Should Do After Publishing.
Please check it out, and I'm sure you will learn a lot about what to do after publishing your course!
David V.
Community Moderator
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Hello @ClementAlexandre
- Congrats on your first course. With regards to how you can maximize audience and sales, did you do any research first to determine if anyone actually wants to learn how to draw cars? Udemy is primarily a site for business related courses. Of course there are many non-business related courses on Udemy but the courses that sell best are generally related to business.This is just a hunch but I suspect there are not many people who come to Udemy looking for courses on how to draw cars. I did a search on Udemy for such courses and there are none. That could be a good thing and that could be a bad thing. Maybe it's good because no one has thought of it before. Maybe it's bad because there is no demand for such a course. This is why it is crucial to do some research first, before creating a course, to determine if anyone would be interested.
To be honest, it's very unlikely Udemy is going to put much effort and money into marketing your course. Udemy will promote courses that are likely to sell and make them money. This means that you will probably have to market your course yourself, at least initially, until your course gains some traction.
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Thank you, Randy
I actually noticed there were a few other courses on car design that have a decent number of students. In regards to marketing the course myself, what are a few suggestions?
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- DavidV has already responded about how to market your courses. You could also trying using ChatGPT and see what it might suggest with regards to marketing courses on Udemy. You might get some creative answers.Also, I might suggest you rename your course to something like "Car Design" or "Automobile Design". It appears the other courses are named something similar. If someone comes to Udemy and searches for "Car Design", your course might not turn up because of its name.