Update the thumbnail to eliminate text: Inconsistent ToS for thumbnails

I've been using udemy for a long time, recently i decided upload a course i made and I got feed back.

"It appears that your course image includes text "on the boxes'. Udemy research has found that course images containing text are less successful. Because of this, we only allow text in course images in very limited cases - primarily in the context of a logo.

Please update the thumbnail to eliminate text and resubmit the course at your earliest convenience.

For more information on our quality guidelines, please see this article: https://support.udemy.com/hc/articles/229232347-Course-Image-Quality-Standards"

Now I read the article and I went through my videos and I don't see what they are talking about, I know there is a box with text, but that is my logo and this support page said that is okay. I'm so confused and the worst part is every time i click on "Contact us" I get sent to the Q/A page and or the weird page listing all the offices when i was looking for help.

Does anyone know if thumbnails can be edited. I'm shocked how difficult it is to get in touch with udemy.


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,350 Udemy rank

    Hi @Jnprogrammer
    I'm sorry for the confusion this has caused you, but the course image should not contain text, if you would like to have more information about the changes you need to make in your course, please send an email to our Trust & Safety to policy@udemy.com so you can provide and get more information about it.

  • Hello Jnprogrammer,

    I encountered a similar issue where the red message beneath the image wouldn't disappear, even when I uploaded an image with no text. After much struggle, I discovered that another image I created with fewer text elements was actually fine; I just needed to press the submit button. Additionally, I realized that adhering to the exact dimensions mentioned in the image description while uploading also resolved the problem. I'm sharing my experiences in the hope that they might be helpful to you as well.

  • Thanks Eliana, I was sent another support article from udemy support and it told me exactly what they meant by course thumbnail. I have changed the image completely to be in compliance

    I was so confused before I was running through the course looking over what boxes had text. Now I realize it was just the course imagine.

  • Hi there,

    you always refer people to contact T&S. They dont help nor provide information!!

    we are left on our own doing hit and miss!!

  • Hi there,

    could you please share an image of before and after?


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,350 Udemy rank

    Hi @AmmarAlShal178
    I'm sorry you feel this way. Unfortunately, some topics are handled exclusively by the Trust & Safety team. I'm sure the team will help you with any questions you have they usually respond within 2 business days. Thanks for your understanding.

  • Jnprogrammer
    Jnprogrammer Posts: 7 researcher rank

    Sure, It's been truly a unfair experience with udemy. Maybe in the next bull market I make millions and their support actually cares to be fair to me. Tell me how my photo is the problem while other courses can use the Bitcoin logo.
    OrginialDemanded changes by Udemy supportSearch bitcoin in Udemy and no one else has the same demands for their logos.

  • Jnprogrammer
    Jnprogrammer Posts: 7 researcher rank

    Please see my reply, It makes no sense to me that other courses can use the bitcoin logo in their thumbnail and I'm not allowed. This makes udemy inconsistent in how they apply their ToS. How is a new instructor supposed to trust Udemy if this is their first experience?

  • Jnprogrammer
    Jnprogrammer Posts: 7 researcher rank

    Here is what support said, this 100% contradicts what they already allowed from other courses. Right now if you look up crypto in Udemy you can see this doesn't apply to any of those courses, but a new instructor has to play by a made up ToS.

    Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 22.53.39.png

  • To make your life easy, simply use an image without text for the COURSE IMAGE. Use the link they provided you with their quality standards. Its just one image to change.

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 1,878 Udemy rank

    Hi @Jnprogrammer

    Thank you so much for your post, and I'm sorry for the trouble with your course image.

    Unfortunately, we can't provide account-level support here in the community. For policy-related questions or concerns, it's best to contact our policy team directly at policy@udemy.com.

    Thank you, and please let me know if you have any other questions.

  • Jnprogrammer
    Jnprogrammer Posts: 7 researcher rank

    They don't have standards, this proves it. I already spent days going back and fourth on this issue and the course has been up after i blured out the Bitcoin logo, after that I lost all luster to work on this course on Udemy. It feels like a waste of my time since Udemy support can just make up rules on new people. It's clear to everyone who reads this how Udemy support operates and with that, im done trying to publish anything with udemy. I'll find something else, I'm just showing the facts of my first experience with udemy publishing. They make good money so they don't need to change for me.

  • Jnprogrammer
    Jnprogrammer Posts: 7 researcher rank

    I'll just leave it alone. I don't need anymore help spending days going back and fourth again when other courses are allowed to do what i am not for no clear reason. Support will just tell me to read the ToS again. It's clear as day that some people get to do things while others can not. My thumbnail is no different than other crypto courses yet i have to play by different rules.

    Its an easy fix, let me use thumbnails with the bitcoin logo like other courses, but if that is not allowed for me alone because Udemy said so, why am I gonna spend more time fighting it?