And the winners of the 2023 Udemy awards are....


Hello Instructor Community!

The results are in and we have our winners for the second annual Udemy Community Awards! Congratulations to all the winners!

The Helping Hand

@Samreen Nisa Qureshi

The Motivator


Newcomer of the Year


The Technical Guru


The Unicorn


Community Member of the Year


Congratulations to all the winners! In the end, you ALL are an amazing part of the community; without you, this community wouldn’t be the space it is today! Feel free to congratulate the winners in the comments below!

Thanks again for participating and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and a happy new year!


The Udemy Community Team



  • "Technical Guru?" Really?

    Oh well, mistakes get made, technically speaking.

  • Congratulations, guys!

  • Congrats to all the winners and thank you for your contributions!

  • Congratulations to all the winners.

  • Congratulations to all winners and happy new year!!

  • Congratulations to all of you

  • Congrats all! Well deserved and I'm super excited to be a part of this community

  • Bravo! You really set yourselves apart and deserve the kudos.


    You've given me something to strive for!

    To another amazing year!

  • Congrats to all the winners and thanks for your contribution to the community!

  • Congratulations to everyone

  • A-MA-ZING!

    Congratulations to everyone making a difference every day here... and that means: around the world!


  • Congrats to the winners!

  • amulia&8
    amulia&8 Posts: 38 trailblazer rank

    Hearty Congratulations to all the winners... A lot to learn from these great winners... God Bless.

  • @RyanJaress
    What do the winners get?

  • Yeah!!! What do the winners get???

    I think we each get a new Ferrari, or maybe in new McClaren. I'll take either, thank you very much.

  • ToddMcLeod
    ToddMcLeod Posts: 108 specialist rank

    Congratulations! Great work!

  • Congratulations to the winners, and thank you for making the community so helpful!