Personal Contact Details In Course Videos Like Phone Number, Social Media

Hello to the community! Im new to Udemy and Im exited to create my first course but before I start, I wanna know something. Can I share my personal contact details like personal contact details like Phone Number so students can contact with me personally If they want to?


  • It's not necessary and it's a rare case that students will contact instructors by phone. If they want, they will ask you via message. Posting your phone might attract course promotion freelancer/scammers instead.

  • The reason behind why Im asking this is, I have a audience and my audience Is not much familiar with these kind of features. Is it allowed to show our contact number In lecture?

  • In this case, I don't know. You may ask Udemy support team.

  • @c_udemy
    Could you please provide me some guidance about this (Im new to this so If I should mention someone eles than let me know)

  • Thanks for this Information, I just wanted to know that If Im allowed to show my contact number. I do agree with your point of view, that's why I want to create 2 courses (2 version of courses). The 1st version will be only for my own audience who know me already and want to buy my course, and 2nd version for Udemy audience where I will NOT share my contact details. Can I do that? Like making a private course for my own audience that nobody eles can see except those who I will share the course or give access to? I wish you understand that and I appreciate your effort and time on replying me.

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,910 rolemodel rank

    Yes, it's possible to launch a course as private such that only people with a password can access it, or people you invite. That would certainly be less risky. Udemy does have policies against duplicate courses however, so again you should clear this with to be safe.

  • Hi to the community, got the final answer. So, we talked to udemy support and we said that "can we show our number in our course? Can we say our students to contact us? Because of some reasons I have to provide my phone number In all my private course videos (It will be like a banner at the bottom of the video). Can I do this? And can It be a public course as well? If I'm only allowed to do this in my private course, can I upload a copy of my private course without my phone number as a public course?"

    And the response was like "Udemy allows instructors to promote themselves and their businesses by placing watermarks on videos. You may include links to your social media profiles or your website and your contact information, as well as a logo. We ask that the watermark be unobtrusive so that it does not detract from the course-taking experience.

    Furthermore, Udemy policy has restrictions around duplicate content. We have found that courses with a substantial amount of overlap create a lot of dissatisfaction among students. "

    So, The moral is: You can add your contact number or social media as a watermark, But you can not say to your students to contact with you. Furthermore you can not make a duplicate course.