How long Instructor's referal link is valid to get paid 97% of price?

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!!

And since this is my very first email in 2024, let me wish each and every one of you to be healthier, stronger, HAPPIER and richer (in every meaning of this word) from this moment on throughout the YEAR!

I am FINALLY, finishing off the editing of my very first training course in Leadership and am now trying to figure out how to most time and energy effectively to market my course on my own.

Using the Udemy course referal Link is one of the options,I consider. But feels like I need more clarity on how the link works.

Appreciate it if you read the below and share your advice and insights.

Course Referal Link & its validity:

1) Understand that everyone will get his own link upon publication of his/her course. We can use this link when promoting our course via our own (except Udemy) resources (emails, social media, our website) aimed to get paid 97% of the set course price.

2) However, what called my attention was the referal ink duration - 24 HOURS from the moment the lik was sent.

a. Why 24 hours?

b. And what if, the person pushes the link AFTER 24? It'll stop functioning? Or the revenue share will become different?

Would be greatful for your advice and insights.

Wishing everyne a bright and a happy Tuesday!


Dillyara D.



  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 457 mentor rank


    Our link is our link and permanently will bring the higher commission when used. It looks like there is someway to track for 24 hours on the prospective student’s browser that if they click on that link and sign up within 24 hours, then we get credit that they used our referral link with the higher commission.

  • Many thanks, @Alexia
    for your prompt advice and an insight! Clarity is the queen :). Feel better now.


    Dillyara D.

  • Hi, @Alexia

    Thank you for your previous reply on the revenue sharing.

    Ufff... I am 1 step away from publishing my course :). Hopefully, this happens tomorrow. Hence, the querry...:)

    I would appreciate it if you could yet help clarify the validity of theInstructor's referral link, based on your practical experience and knowldege of the Udemy's system.

    What if the prospective student delayed with the course purchase and bought it, say 36 hours after he/she clicked on the Instructor's referal link? Will we still get 97% of the revenue share?

    The situation with cupons validity is clearer, as after their expiration they turn into the referal links. But what happens if the referral link "worked" later than 24hours from the moment it was clicked by the prospective student, there is no mention about that on the site. At least, i was unable to find any.

    Would appreciate your additional insights.

    If someone else could also give some practical advice, it would be highly appreciated.

    Best regards,


  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 457 mentor rank


    Congrats on your soon to be published course. Some things are out of control. Per what we have in writing, the tracking only occurs for 24 hours. When you share the referral link, you may want to include some verbage clarifying to users that using your link will bring you, the creator, a higher revenue share. In my experience, when I see the artist percentage of commission, it motivates me to support their work. That may motivate prospective learners to sign up more quickly. Let’s see if our colleagues have further insight with what might occur after a 24 hour mark.

  • Yes, @Alexia
    , I will definitely add that verbage! As when I see that, it also motivates me to jump in and support. Am fully with you in it.

    I wonder if someone could shed a bit more light on what happens to our revenue share post 24hours mark.

    Have a bright day!


  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,240 Udemy rank


    I hope you had a lovely weekend. Happy to clarify this!


    I wonder if someone could shed a bit more light on what happens to our revenue share post 24hours mark.

    For you to be credited with the sale and receive 97% of the net revenue, students must complete the purchase within 24 hours after clicking on the referral link.

    Otherwise, our system will not recognize it as a sale using your referral link, and you will receive 37% of the revenue for these Udemy sales.

    Please let me know if you have additional questions .

  • Thank you, @MarinaT
    for this clarification!

    I reckon, it'd be helpful if UDEMY could add this nuance on the website to help see things straight.

    Kind regards,


  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,240 Udemy rank


    You are very welcome, and thank you so much for your feedback. I'll forward it to the responsible team, as it may indeed help provide more clarity on the instructor side .

  • Hello everyone. I was looking for this topic, thanks the author.

    I am sorry if I am asking stupid questions. I had different situations I would ask here.

    1. Let's imagine I shared my coupon in my telegram channel, and some of potential students clicked on it but didn't buy. After few days they again clicked on it and bought the course, will then revenue be 97% or 37%?

    2. I had a case when I got $1 payment and I was surprised how someone could do it. Is there any opportunity to see the way each student joined to the cource? Detailed report about my revenue, something like a table of students and the source they came + how much they paid and etc.

  • Truly appreciate, @MarinaT
    your quick response and the readiness to action promptly upon the suggested enhancements to help Udemy made as user friendly as possible!

    Have a lovely day!
