About me

Hello there.
I am Quaqu Brengle. I am a student musicians at the University of education, Winneba in Ghana and a trumpet player. I love to share what I know and learn from people.
Hi Quaqu Brengle;
Congrats and welcome to our community!
It's our honor to help you to create your best course.
we are ready to help you to create great courses or increase the quality of your teaching.
The most important matters in teaching are:
1-Enjoy the teaching!
2-Consider you are teaching to children so say everything in depth and in simple language!
3-Try diffrent methods to delivery your concept.
4- Be the best in your field of teaching.
6- Before creating your course first create a test video and send it to Udemy review team .
They are really great and tell many things about your video.
Don't hesitate to ask us your further questions.
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