Question about using dataset in my online course on Udemy

Hello Udemy Instructory community. I am a new instructor who is trying to publish my first course on Udemy. I am wondering if anyone knows answer to this specific question.

My course topic is on data analytics/data analysis. For my course, I have carefully use the dataset that is publicly available from Open Government Data or some repositories like UCI respository and Kaggle.

Here is my question, I have reviewed and selected those datasets under the licenses of Creative Commons Attribution or Public Data Licesne where only commercial uses are allowed. Where some licenses do mentioned that for commercial proper attribution/citation is required.

Will this be perfectly fine? Although I have done my share of studying if seems like I couldn't really get solid answers from Internet Search. So I thought it will be great to hear out experiences from other Udemy instructors who had similar experiences or knows the answer to my question.

Thank you very much for reading my msg.



  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

    Hi @datascienceone
    Thank you for your question. It is important to us that instructors posting courses on Udemy respect applicable laws and the intellectual property of others. When instructors post courses on our marketplace, they make the promise that they have the necessary authorization or rights to use all the content contained in their courses. If you have any doubts or concerns about the legality of the content in your course, we would suggest you consult with an attorney.

    We encourage you to check out the following for additional, useful information:
    * Trademark Guidelines for Instructors
    * Copyright Guidelines for Instructors
    * Instructor Terms
    * Intellectual Property Policy
    * Trust and Safety intellectual property pages

    If you have any further questions, please send an email to


    Udemy Community Moderator

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    Usual "I am not a lawyer" disclaimer applies...

    I've never had an issue using public domain or properly attributed CC data sets. But to be extra careful, you might just include a link to download the data set from its source instead of including a copy of it with your course.

  • Hi Frank, thank you for your reply. I think you are right about it. I would your recommendation is also a good idea but I have done some data cleaning on original datasets. However, when I checked the data license for CC dataset it mentioned as long as I properly cite/attribute the author/sources I think it is good. Thank you so much!