Let's welcome our new members! [January 2024]


Hello ,

We're delighted to extend a warm welcome to our newest members who joined us in the Instructor Community in January.

Let's take a moment to welcome :

@3d illusions, @Aayushi, @Abdulazim, @Abuhamzah, @AgnidebSen151, @Andy Walsh, @Angelo7, @AnthonyBrti105, @BeenaSingapuri, @Arifhasan, @AshleyDeeks978, @BryanSteele725, @CarlosJoséF860, @ChinowaArap011, @ChristianC.847, @ChristineF, @ClickedCreations, @CyberCH, @DanielK.318, @DavidOderbe321, @DavidRoss739, @DilbarHussa517, @DredBellow012, @DuaFatima488, @gogogracie, @FabianFraikin, @GabrielBati723, @GrowMore$, @Hameed149, @HarmanWaheed, @Herrero, @Humsubtechno, @HyperDev112, @IrisLau246, @IslemChalbi403, @JerrySeryu600, @JIJO.KALARI, @Jodi-AnnRow851, @JohnForwardGR, @JordanB7, @Jumu Reals, @JulieHazell403, @Julio4AI, @Kapil sain, @Kbkirla806, @KilavuzKaptan, @KundanNaren730, @L'Debella Makeover, @MichaelHuds314, @MikeConnor096, @Milagros Müller, @Molaodi514, @MoqadasaSediqi841, @MuradQuliye751, @Mothers_Mary, @Mr Marambah, @narvakrishna, @NaveedAkhtar76, @Nigeriancat013, @NimishKumar751, @NormanHidalgo, @PalesaVirgi097, @OmarFouda746, @Pallow, @OnyebuchiJo585, @PhilosophersWhoCode.org, @pritam11, @PierreLesp, @PythonicEducation, @RadwanDerba, @RFSAcademiaEGD, @RobertIslam123, @Rony Beefer, @Saffo, @Saharhesham, @SaratKumarR521, @Saranya Sekar, @Severcelik, @Shahidkhan595, @Shahriar Galib, @ShehabElsherif, @SilvinaGabr117, @SkillAcadem537, @Smith543Tho858, @stupicorn, @Sunny marton 537, @Svasika jessi, @SviatoslavM991, @SvyatoslavKravchenko, @TechInstructor100, @TemitopeAde020, @ToufeeqNeakk, @TreMcManus747, @VaniTripath475, @VartanVarta422, @WahidAhmadR161, @Waldo, @Öğrenci876, @zhi-honghua425,

Whether you're just getting started or you've been teaching online for years, this is a place where you can connect with others, share your experiences, and learn from each other. If you're new to the community, here are a few things you can do to get started:

  • Introduce yourself: Write a post and tell us a little bit about yourself, your background, and your teaching experience.
  • Do you have questions for the other instructors or the Udemy team? Don't hesitate, and create a post!
  • Check out our monthly themes: Every month, we share a calendar of discussions and resources around a specific theme to help you grow as an online instructor.
  • Join our coffee chats: Every month, we host a virtual coffee chat where you can connect with other members and discuss a variety of topics related to online teaching.

We're thrilled to have you join us, and we're excited to connect with you and support you on your journey on Udemy.


Udemy Community Team


  • Thank you for the warm welcome. Looking forward to interacting and learning from others.

  • Hello There,

    Many years ago I trained as a teacher, but immediately moved away from it to become a Social Worker without anything more than my University Experience. I've been teaching informally in the businesses I've been working in, I have a background in IT. I'm a little older than most IT guys, so tended to get passed over, so now I'm looking for other forms of income, teaching online seems like a good way to go about it, so here I am.

  • I'm very pleased for myself, I say hello to all of you.
    It is a great pleasure to be with you.

  • Saludos cordiales a todos los participantes y al equipo de Udemy.

    Soy venezolana, Arquitecto, PhD; Lic. Artes Escénicas y MSc en Plástica. Posdoctora en Crítica de las racionalidades posmodernas, Profesora Titular de la UCV.

    Mi experiencia docente comenzó mientras estudiaba, como preparadora¨, cargo que equivale a asistente de cátedra de un profesor. Al graduarme de Arquitecto, ingresé a la Facultad como Profesora Instructora por concurso de credenciales y comencé la carrera académica, estudiando y ascendiendo en el escalafón universitario. He dado clases en pregrado y posgrado. Tengo un programa de Investigación posdoctoral que me permite tutorear trabajos de Doctores de diversas disciplinas. No obstante; he dedicado mi vida, desde adolescente a estudiar y practicar meditación, Taichi Chuan y Kabbalah, con lo cual me he complementado como persona y es por ello que he decidido crear en primer lugar un curso de meditación de 3ª generación, transversal a todas las disciplinas y que cultive a todos los seres humanos. Creo firmemente en que estos conocimientos son indispensables para la formación del individuo.

    Esto no descarta que suba otros cursos de interés, que ya estoy preparando.

    Como es mi primera vez en Udemy, seguramente tendré mucho que preguntar a esta comunidad. De momento, más que contenta de hacer amistades por esta vía.

    Felicidad y éxito a todos los participantes, Milagros

  • Hi I'm Jodi. I'm new to teaching formally but I've experimented with little techniques with my work team to reinforce some values I thought would make us grow as a team, personally and professionally. Some of the techniques used at work may not stick but it may spark a bit of interest. I want to publish a course and I want to make learning at work and in life a thing.