How to create 4 course with 7 1.hour-video? First time in Udemy

Hello everyone,
- all videos are 100% edited, with a very professional overview and content, we can't change them anymore.
Hi @PhamvuThaov350
Welcome to the community. How exciting to have you here!I'd encourage you to take a look at our official and free Udemy courses, which will help you with getting started on Udemy.
Also, here are some great resources regarding course creation:
Teaching Center: How to Plan, Record, Publish and Market your course
Community - Course Creation Compilation
Course Creation Webinar w/ Jimmy Naraine
Webinar Replay: Making the Most of your Instructor Experience w/Katie Bent
Regarding your question about What is Udemy's definition of a 'lecture'?
Students must be able to view course lectures on the Udemy platform, in other words, since we function primarily as an on-demand, video-based platform, you’ll need to upload your video files directly to Udemy, and you’ll learn to do so by checking the resources that I provided.
Best of success!!!
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Hi @PhamvuThaov350
,You say you "can't change them anymore".
I would suggest that you should split them into videos of 6-10 minutes, depending on when you move onto a different topic. Each split therefore becomes a different lecture.
Session 1 would be a free course. The other sessions would consist of 3 paid-for courses.
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You can't sell certain videos within a course, but you can have them as a separate course. If you want to sell them as 3 parts then I'd say split them up in to three courses and then break down the 90 minute videos into smaller videos. You can't control who buys each part of the course and if they all follow each other I feel that paid courses 2 and 3 wouldn't sell well and possibly have lower ratings due to heavily following the other two paid courses.
My suggestion would be have two courses. One that is the free taster that then heavily filters into the paid course and then the paid part. Splitting the paid content into three paid courses isn't the best idea for Udemy. Then split each 90-minute video into 5 parts and then have them as sections within the paid course.
Use your free course to promote your own coupon codes within, this means you will get a much better revenue split with Udemy. Possibly don't opt your paid course into the deals program either0