Coupons Payment


I have a PhD in mathematics, however despite this I cannot understand Udemy coupons. For a simple example a student just purchased my course using the promotion link I sent to the class. The coupon was $14.99 and 97% of that is $14.54, however I only received $10.74 which seems to make no sense.

I contacted support about similar issues and am still waiting. They initially sent a vague answer which is impossible to understand. All I want to know is exactly how $10.74 was computed. Now if $10.74 is 97% of something then that means the student actually paid: $11.07216494845.

Where did this number come from? I assume this means 14.99 = 11.07216494845?

Does anyone have any idea since this is the first time I haven't received a clear answer from support? I have other examples but I just wanted to keep it simple.




  • To see exactly how that was calculated go to:

    Performances --> Overview, then click Revenue Report which is below the chart, then click on the concerned period (for example: March 2024), and you will see for each payment how much taxes, transaction fees and share revenue are.

  • RonErez
    RonErez Posts: 186 storyteller rank

    Oh, didn't know that. I'll check that out.

  • You joined udemy deals which will make your course price down to 12$ so you accepted 10$