Incorrect income computation


Need help. I tried to reach out to Udemy support center to clarify one of my referrals were treated as Udemy promotion but no response now for 3 weeks? For an Udemy promotion, the floor rate was $9.99 but was sold below this rate against the policy!!!

I don't know what's going on but is there any other way to reach out to clarify this?

Best regards,

Zowfir Zaheed


  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    If a student waits more than 24 hours between clicking your link and actually purchasing the course, you will lose credit for the sale. I don't know if that's what happened in your case, but it's the most likely explanation. This is described at

    Also, different countries have different price floors. The current price tier matrix for each currency is linked to from . For example, in India the floor is 399 INR which is less than $5 USD, and to make matters worse India charges an 18% tax right off the top of that. Udemy's share, processing fees, app store fees, etc. can reduce it further. It's typical to only earn $1-$2 from Indian enrollments, and then you have to pay your own taxes on that revenue later. Udemy has a lot of learners in India however, so it's possible to make up for it in volume.

    Udemy's pricing always seems to take new instructors by surprise. I think they could do a better job of communicating it.

  • Hi,

    It was my referral that was purchased within 12 hours! In fact, it was my son who enrolled for the course from the referral link! Udemy said they will investigate and come back but never came back. It is now more than 3 weeks! Its just not right.

    Regarding the pricing matrix for India, if its lower than $9.99 then there is no point in such promotions considering the tax element too. True volumes are great but to be credited with $2 per enrollment for a well researched and depth of course, its almost selling for free!

    Is there anyway i can reach anyone else other than Udemy support team as they do not respond! Its bizarre!

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    I'm just an instructor like you, so I don't have any better path to an answer on your particular case. I'd just respond to the response you got 3 weeks ago and ask for a status. If you find out what happened please post the result here so we can all learn from it.

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,248 Udemy rank

    Hi @ZowfirZaheed747

    Thank you so much for your post, and we want to apologize for the extended waiting time.

    I've reconfirmed with our internal team, and they're actively investigating on their end. You can expect an email from us today with further updates.

    We really appreciate your patience in this matter.

  • Hi Marina,

    thank you for responding. I did receive a response but it falls woefully short of my expectations.
    Here are my comments;
    1. I reject Udemy's assertion that the time between using the referral link and payment was more than 24 hours. I had already mentioned the exact timing. This was subscribed by my son. It is totally unfair and unacceptable for Udemy to take such unilateral action without showing proof as I have proof of the timing. I do not wish this first experience with Udemy to be bitter as such i would kindly request to re-visit this and revert back with proof.
    2. what are the countries that are considered exceptions to the deals program floor price of $9.99? can u pls send me the link?
    So far, Udemy's deals have not yielded results despite such extremely low offers. it is through my personal efforts that i secured enrollments though not at satisfactory level yet. This is a quality course worth $90 that i listed at $20!! So those who enrol would know the value of the content including slide deck which are deep researched with practical examples!
    Best regards,
  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,248 Udemy rank

    Hi @ZowfirZaheed747

    Thank you for getting back, and I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, we can't provide account-level support here in the community, therefore, I recommend following up with the support team by email.

    When it comes to pricing for different countries, please check out our price tier matrix here. For example, while Tier 1 is priced at USD 19.99 in the US, it is 799 Indian Rupees (approximately $9.58 USD) in India.

    Please note that the price points on the tier matrix are not calculated using only strict currency conversions. While the direct currency conversion is factored into the pricing tier intervals, because Udemy is a global marketplace, the prices are also determined by market conditions and the purchasing power of students in different countries.

    This is done to help ensure a consistent and intuitive pricing experience for students.

    I hope this helps!

  • Hi,

    Unfortunately I haven't got an acceptable response from Udemy's support team. Is there an arbitration process in place to solve disputes and disagreements?

    It is unfair, unacceptable and immoral for Udemy to claim credit for my referrals. So much time (6mths), effort and money spent by me to research, develop and then to promote it personally on a quality course (content, delivery and output) and to find Udemy falsely claiming credit as Udemy's promotion is totally unfair and unacceptable. Even for Udemy promotions, either I receive a very low net figure of $2 or 20% of the total proceeds. This is not a win-win situation at all. There are so many terms and conditions and to go thru it will need a degree by itself to understand!!!

    If I do not receive a positive response, I will be reluctant to promote my next unique course on SME Entrepreneurship which is currently under development. Besides, convey Udemy's unfair processes to all concerned.

    I'm bitterly disappointed.

    Best regards,
