Tax identification number

hello instructors

please to submit my tax form in one step ask me about (Tax Identification Number) how i can get this number to fill the form? i am from iraq, is this number is only one number for one country or what?

with my best regards


  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 1,932 Udemy rank

    Hi @PshtiwanZaid

    Thank you for your post. I hope you are doing well!

    For non-U.S. instructors, your TIN will be the tax identification number issued by your local government. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) provides a page here, which details the names and formats that various countries use as TINs.

    I checked the page, and unfortunately, there aren't any details about the TIN in Iraq. Therefore, I recommend consulting a tax professional who can speak more directly about your situation.

    In case you have additional questions about Udemy's tax process, I recommend contacting our instructor support by clicking here and navigating to “Contact Us” on the right.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.