*Announcement* Welcome Our 9 New Community Champions!

Hello instructor community!

We are thrilled to announce that nine new Community Champions have joined our community. These individuals have shown exceptional dedication and passion for online education, and we are confident they will bring valuable insights and support to our community.

Please join us in giving a warm welcome to our newest Community Champions:






@PV Drug Safety Academy


@Col (Dr) Shabbar Shahid (Retd)


Our Community Champions play a crucial role in fostering collaboration, sharing best practices, and supporting fellow instructors. We are excited to see the positive impact they will make.

Let's give them a big welcome in the comments below!


  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 441 mentor rank

    I am very happy to be part of this talented community and hope to add value.

  • SSAA
    SSAA Posts: 187 specialist rank

    Hi all,

    Very happy to be part of this group. I hope to share with you some pretty cool tips.


  • Hello Everyone!

    I'm extremely grateful for the amazing opportunity to participate in the community of talented instructors. I hope to provide a lot of value and reach our goals together!

    - Krystian Wojtarowicz

  • Hi Everyone!!

    I joined Udemy as an Instructor in Dec 2022 and became Community champion in June 2024. I think this is a great achievement for me. I am excited and I hope I will add a great value being a community champion.

    - PV Drug Safety Academy

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 1,869 Udemy rank

    Welcome, everyone, and congratulations!

    I'm looking forward to great times in the community with you all .

  • I am so happy to be a part of this community and I hope I will be able to contribute in a meaningful manner.

  • Hi All,

    Absolutely thrilled to be a part of this incredible community! Huge congratulations to all the new Community Champions - your dedication to online education is truly inspiring.

    Looking forward to collaborating, sharing insights, and supporting each other on this amazing journey. Let's continue making a positive impact together! - Programming Hub

  • Btkrausen
    Btkrausen Posts: 159 specialist rank

    Woot! I'm excited to be here and to be a Community Champion at Udemy. Community has always been a big part of my career, as I've been nominated and included in community programs from vendors such as Cisco, VMware, AWS, HashiCorp, and others. When I'm not creating content, I try to spend time helping others on the Udemy forums and other platforms like Reddit, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

    Looking forward to continuing to contribute to the success of Udemy, its instructors, and the students who are using our courses to improve their careers.

  • Salil Dhawan
    Salil Dhawan Posts: 304 mentor rank


    Welcome everyone!

  • نرحب بحضراتكم