How to increase visibility of my first published course

Hello to all in this instructor community.

My first course "Basic Introduction to Rich Communication Services (RCS) " got published about two weeks ago and I am trying to increase its visibility to the intended Learners.

I tried to check with a friend of mine in Cisco if my course is visible there or not. Since I agreed to get this course published under Udemy Business, I was expecting that it will be visible to him. But he told me that he can see it in Udemy but not under Udemy Business.

I am still not very clear how to make it visible there. As suggested earlier in Instructor Community, I tried contacting some help but am not sure still if I need to do anything to make it visible in Udemy Business.

Anyone can guide me by giving me steps if I need to do anything or it is all automatic once I agree for Udemy Business. How do I check if it is accepted in that category or not.



  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 682 visionary rank

    Hello @PardipSingh1206
    - Your course will not be immediately added to Udemy for Business. The course must first get at least 25 ratings with an average rating of 4.4 or higher. Even then, Udemy may decide to not add your course. There are many highly rated courses that Udemy never adds to UfB. It strictly depends upon demand and probably other factors Udemy won't discuss. If Udemy determines there is little demand for Rich Communication Services courses, it will probably never add your course.

  • Thanks a Lot Randy for the clarification on Udemy Business.

    My objective is to create the Promo Video for my course as impressive as possible. But when I go to Course Landing page and try to upload a file, it does not allow me to load the mix of Slide and Video together as we did for our lectures. IUs that provision somewhere to build the kind of Promo Video.

    I do see some instructors promo video has a mix of slide show and the voice or video with that. How do I do that?



  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 682 visionary rank

    You need to upload an MP4 file.

  • I did make MP4 file for my video. But that is video only. Just like in Lectures it gave me option to mix my ppt pdf slide and then the video MP4 file, it does not allow that in my Promo Video.

    I do not know how other instructors could mix a slide with their audio or video. Any hints for that?



  • You need to use audio visual software or hardware to create a picture in picture or side by side effect. Essentially you are bring 2x streams into one window. Ypu record the one window as usual. That way ypu will also get far less latency. (I work in AV)

  • You need to use some Video editing software's like iMovie (in Mac) or Movie Maker (Windows) at the very least. Here you can mix video clips with static images or screen shots to create a complete MP4 file. You could add background music and lot of other features.