Hello Udemy Instructors!!

Hello all! Looking forward to checking out the new Udemy Instructor website and making the most of the connections here.

My name is Shannon Murdoch, I will probably be making most of the posts here; I'm the Video Production Manager at Total Seminars. I think I probably met some of you at Udemy Live! 2018 (speaking of...looking forward to info on the Udemy Live 2019!). Looking forward to reconnecting & meeting new friends.


  • Hi Shannon! Glad to see you here. Jason and I are also awaiting Udemy Live info for this year.

  • Shannon,

    Great to see you in the community! I hope 2019 has been good to you and the Total Seminars team. Looking forward to seeing you at Live! 2019 again, too!

    Jason Dion

  • Welcome the community Shannon, I'm also looking forward to Udemy Live 2019.