How to increase revenue on a highly technical course in 5G

Hello Everyone,

I spent quite some time to generate material on a very technical topic in 5G arena. My course title is "Introduction to Rich Communication Services". You can search for key word "RCS" to access my course.

This is introductory course, and I am planning to create some more advanced level courses on the same subtopics.

But before that I want to give max exposure of this introduction course to many potential students and do not want to see high pricing tag on it.

I was trying to see that how to offer this at min price of $9.99. While traversing some of the Udemy pages, it says since I haves subscribed for Udemy Deals and to get out of that I have to be a Premium Instructor. Then only I can reduce the price.

Somehow, I am not getting any options to apply for Premium instructor and also not able to get out of Udemy deals to lower the price to $9.99.

Can anyone please guide me how I can lower the price of this course?




  • Bessy
    Bessy Posts: 1,006 Udemy rank

    Hi @PardipSingh1206
    Happy Sunday! I’m so glad you published your course here at Udemy!

    You have the option to participate in the Udemy Deals Program, however, you can also opt out at any time. To change your promotional agreements, and opt in or out of the Udemy Deals program, please follow the steps in this article.

    Regarding the option to apply for a premium instructor, you have already been a premium instructor since the moment you set up a payout method before publishing your course.

    You can find the Best Instructor Posts of All Time — Marketing here; these should provide helpful insights and best practices from other instructors.

    I also recommend watching this webinar we had a few months ago, Webinar Replay: 5 Things Every Instructor Should Do After Publishing.

    Best of success!!!

  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 682 visionary rank

    Hello @PardipSingh1206
    - You are enrolled in the Udemy Deals Program by default. This means that Udemy does all the marketing on your behalf. In exchange, it takes a pretty healthy cut of your revenue and it also means that Udemy controls the price of your course. Even if you set a price, Udemy will usually ignore it and establish their own price. You have no control over this.

    You can opt out of the Deals program but you probably do not want to do this because then you have to do all your own marketing. For all but a handful of instructors, this is probably not a great idea.