How to pick a language for my Course

hey together,

i want to know what language should i use the best ? Should i use english so everybody can use it, ore german because its my main language? or is it possible to use both ? and how about marketing? how will ppl find my lessons when i am done? do i have to pay for marketing here or how is this goin ?


  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 457 mentor rank

    Hi @Dio

    You are bilingual and that is amazing. The question to ask yourself is, what language would you be most comfortable communicating in and connecting with your target audience? Teaching in German may give you an advantage for German speaking students if you have a niche in your area with less competitors than the English speaking genre of what you teach.

    Marketplace insights in your instructor dashboard is a great place to begin to see what is most requested.

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 1,949 Udemy rank

    Hi @Dio

    Ich hoffe, dir geht es gut!

    It's fantastic that you're considering publishing a course on Udemy! As @Alexia
    mentioned, there's no definitive answer to your question, as teaching in German or English both have their pros and cons. The best starting point is the suggested Marketplace Insights Tool.

    I also wanted to let you know that we have a German community. If you'd like to connect with other German-speaking instructors, you can find us here .

    Bis bald und viele Grüße!