Audio editing using Audacity tool

Hi All,

In Audacity tool, under Noise removal and repair --> Noise gate -->

any TIPS / Guidelines on how much value to set for below 2 key parameters ?

1. Gate threshold :

2. Level reduction:

Any suggestions, please help...Thanks...


  • Hello!

    Setting parameters in Audacity's Noise Gate tool requires balancing noise reduction without cutting off desired audio. Here are guidelines for the key parameters:

    Gate Threshold: This sets the level below which audio is attenuated. Adjust it so that quiet, unwanted noise is reduced without affecting desired audio. Start around -30 dB and adjust based on your audio's noise level.

    Level Reduction: Determines how much quieter the gated audio becomes. Set it to reduce noise adequately without making the cutoff too noticeable. Begin with a small reduction (e.g., 6 dB) and adjust to balance noise reduction with natural audio flow.

    Experiment with these settings in Audacity, listening for natural audio preservation while minimizing unwanted noise.

    Hope this helps!

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