
Hello, I just published my first course, but I have a question. The price I set is $54.99, but when someone wants to buy the course, it shows $84.99. I know Udemy takes a percentage, but I thought it was deducted from the price I set. Can someone explain how the pricing works, please?



  • Bessy
    Bessy Posts: 810 Udemy rank

    Hi @VPMedRiskSo749
    Happy Thursday!

    When opted into the Deals Program, our pricing system generates course-specific floors and sale price ranges according to each course’s actual sale data.

    If your course’s revenue is maximized at a higher price point (balancing conversion rate and paid price), over time, the system will move it toward that higher point. If the data suggests your revenue is better maximized at a lower point, then it will sell for a lower price.

    More information regarding the Deals Program is available in this Help Center article.

    I hope this information is helpful.

    Best regards,

  • Robert_Hean
    Robert_Hean Posts: 93 storyteller rank

    Heya @VPMedRiskSo749 - @Bessy likely nailed it. If you've opted in Udemy will adjust the price based on… magic?… to try and optimize it. This means even if you set $54 for it, Udemy may decide to price it higher… or lower.

    On top of that, Udemy will run promotions (e.g. "every course is $11.99!") that will also modify the price of your course.

    This means your course course sell for $84 one week, then $35 another… and $11.99 another.

    Regardless of the sale price, you'll get a % based on how folks found the course… I believe it's between 30% (if Udemy's marketing got someone there) up to 95% (if someone used your referral link).