Course enrolment payment not reflecting.

Hi, there, I'm a new instructor on Udemy, I just published my first course a couple of days ago

( approximately 2 weeks now ). However, I noticed new students joining the course but the payments are not reflecting, which means the payment is not updated on the instructor dashboard. I'm not sure why this is happening. Please, can anyone help me understand what's going on here? Thanks in advance!



  • Bessy
    Bessy Posts: 805 Udemy rank

    Hi @Simpson115 Happy Monday, and We’re so glad you published your first course! 😊

    If you are not able to see the revenue on your revenue report, contact our Instructor Support team for better assistance, to contact our team, please go to this article and click on the "Contact Us" option to create a ticket, and you will be able to provide a brief explanation about your inquiry.

    Let us know if you have additional questions.

    Best regards,

  • Simpson
    Simpson Posts: 10 observer rank

    Hi, @Bessy, thanks so much for your response. The payment got reflected on my instructor dashboard after some time. So I was able to see it. Thanks once again!

    Best regards.