How much money can you make on avarage with 1 course on UDEMY?


I`m in the personal development niche. I want to create courses on focus, productivity and accelerated learning. I can`t find this information clearly anywhere on the internet.

So can someone please tell me here what would be a realistic expectation for earnings? I plan to make at least 5 courses in the niche mentioned above. How much money do you think 1 course could be able to make per month?

So 1 course per 1 month

Thank you


  • Courses in this Category will typically earn you $5 to $20 per month … But I Could be WAY Off! For Example: a Typical Personal Development Course on "Productivity" Might make $5 to $20 a month … But a course on "Business Productivity" might earn $25 to $200 per month.

    There are so Many Factors that determine your Sales … such as:

    1. # of reviews for this course and your courses in general
    2. RATINGS for this course and your courses in general
    3. Title and Thumbnail are HUGE!!! (*Leading reason People click on your course and buy.)
    4. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of title and description.
    5. What people DESIRE most for courses.
    6. Have you given away this course so you have "Social Proof" (a large number of students listed as taking your course)?
    7. Is Your PROMO Video Excellent? Does it SELL the course? (*BIG reason WHY people Buy$$)
    8. Have you Purchased a SINGLE course on HOW to Sell on UDEMY? Or at least watched YouTube Videos on This???
    9. Are Your Trainings Excellent? Are They Engaging?
    10. Do you send Promotional Announcements?

    I hope this Helps!!!

    Prof. Paul

    CEO - Advanced Ideas, Inc.

    PS - The ONLY way you will REALLY know what you make per month off a course is to create and sell it for one year and then take the 12 month average :)

    PSS - If you can create several RELATED courses and BUNDLE them together … This Sells BEST!

  • Boris035
    Boris035 Posts: 58 storyteller rank
    edited August 6

    It's hard to say - it depends on many factors (course quality, your SEO skills, do you have well-developed social media to push the promo, how long the course is on the market, etc.).

    As a rule of thumb - the median value for most courses at Udemy is in a range between $15-$25 per month, depending on a niche. On the other hand, some courses earn a lot of money steadily (month after month) - most often, those are part of the Udemy for Business program (let's say - champions).

    To avoid confusing you, check for yourself the "Market Insights" data available on your Instructor page, below the list of your published courses. That way - you can see the exact numbers for the niche you are eying - and who's going to be your main competitors (or role models).

    Good luck, and keep in mind that playing at Udemy is a long-term game - don't expect to earn a lot of money overnight.

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,228 rolemodel rank

    If you are shooting for that average you are better off flipping hamburgers. Make a great course and promote that great course in a category that is attracting interest. Are you an expert in your field? Show it. Many instructors earn an average of a thousand per month per course, or more. However, with the changes in revenue sharing that is declining.

  • Bogdy23
    Bogdy23 Posts: 4 researcher rank
    edited August 6

    if i can make 100$ per course for 1 month for 2 years im happy. Would you Say that îs easy to achieve?Also im looking to post the same course on different course platforms so that I can reach more people. And stil even if I post on 5 other platforms and make 100$ a month I would be very happy (in total from 5 platforms)

  • @Bogdy ... Typically ONLY Large Course Bundles will make this much ... and need to contain 10 courses or more and be heavily promoted. This is just MY Experience.

    Hope this Helps!

    Prof. Paul :)

  • Veasna, M.
    Veasna, M. Posts: 164 storyteller rank
    edited September 17

    Making money on Udemy is very very unpredictable! Some courses make ZERO sale for months. The marketplace is saturated and Udemy business is cutting down share from instructors every year. If you want to make a living with this kind of platform, I can say is very hard except you are good at marketing.

    Good luck!

  • Hello,
    Earnings can vary widely, but for a well-promoted course, you might expect $500-$2,000 per month per course initially. Factors like marketing, course quality, and audience engagement will impact this.