Hello Expers Created 2nd Course (Need Your Review)

Hello community members i need your feedback on my latest course of
Hi Rakesh:
Here's some feedback on the preview of the course. First - I'll be honest, I'm having a very difficult time understanding you. Between the background music and the reverberation of your voice - I'm having a hard time following what you're saying. In the 2nd and 3rd video you are talking so quickly - and again, the music - I hardly understand a single word. You have some very nice video, but the animated graphics get distracting. I would get rid of the flashy stuff and just share your expertise. Hope that helps!
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Impossible. With that horrible background music, if it is "music", and your accent, I could barely understand one out of ten words. You only have ten seconds to make a good impression. In ten seconds, I give up. Not worth the strain. Kill the music except for maybe ten seconds at the beginning that fades out quickly. I am not watching this to hear that noise.
Second, you are throwing up so many graphics, word images, videos in such rapid order, it is just confusing. We can't digest it! SLOW DOWN!!! Let me try to understand something, hopefully something that is important, rather trying to speed read stuff that may or may not be of interest.
I hope that helps.
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You're doing a good job buddy!
Just try to think as a student's perspective. Will you purchase this course by that preview?