Hi everyone.

Allow me to join you as an instructor. Today I am very happy to say that I've successfully published my 1st udemy course and excited to bring more to the ground in future.

Thanks to the team for your countious suggestions for making it better and best.


  • Bessy
    Bessy Posts: 798 Udemy rank

    Hi @Sandeep8166 How exciting that you published your first course on Udemy. 🎉🎉

     Here is one of the most discussed topics in the community. You can find the Best Instructor Posts of All Time — Marketing here; these should provide helpful insights and best practices from other instructors. 

     I also recommend watching this webinar we had a few months ago, Webinar Replay: 5 Things Every Instructor Should Do After Publishing.

     Please check it out, and I'm sure you will learn a lot about what to do after publishing your course!

  • Congratulations.

    It's usually a process and journey onto completion to publish a course.

    I share in your joy after some hardwork I guess, because it has some stress alongside the joy of completion..

    The journey is still on for your Published course from what I learnt through the shared thoughts on this community platform.

    Then, we keep reading information on our course pages to get better on the act of online publishing for teaching and enlightenment.

    We all learn daily and it helps us get better.

    Regards and cheers all

  • aleca
    aleca Posts: 4 observer rank

    Hi @Sandeep8166

    Allow me to join you as an instructor. Today I am very happy to say that I've successfully published my 1st udemy course and excited to bring more to the ground in future.

    Thanks to the team for your countious suggestions for making it better and best.

    Congratulations on publishing your first Udemy course! It’s fantastic to hear about your achievement, and I’m glad the team’s suggestions were helpful. Best of luck with your future courses.

  • Congratulations @Sandeep8166 !

    Welcome to the team. I advise you to create more content and educate on the subject.

    Best Regards,
    - Krystian