I created an high interesting topic course with low courses available and get zero sells. Why?

The subject is: Postman - What you need in 1 hour class.

The current monthly payment for this subject instructors is 80$ actually.

My course is available since 3 weeks ago but I get zero sells until now.

What is the problem? What do I need to change to reach the first student?
Please, help me!


  • Carolina M.
    Carolina M. Posts: 234 Udemy rank

    Hi @luanghduarte

    Thank you for your post. I am sorry to hear you are having a hard time getting sales in your new course.

    We have a few different resources in our Community that can help you with the marketing of your course so you reach more students and, accordingly, have higher chances of getting a sale.

    This post about marketing a course is from 2019, but still includes great tips on marketing and improving your course. We also have a list of the best marketing posts of all time in our Community, that you can find here.

    I hope this can be helpful! Our Community team and your fellow instructors are always here to help if you have any other concerns.

  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 651 visionary rank

    Hi @luanghduarte - You said, "I created an high interesting topic course with low courses available…" This is not what I am seeing. I did a Udemy search for all courses on Postman with a rating of 4.5 or higher. I got 834 courses back. The fact you haven't gotten any sales is to be expected. There are so many other highly rated courses that already exist.

  • Randy, I have other course that is selling very well (60$ until now) and total results of that course in udemy search is 6455.

    Even this result, I am selling every month…

    What is the difference between one and other?

    Am I wrong to think that Udemy will make sellings of my courses?
    What do you think and what is your experience to help me?