Udemy instructor payment details


I can't understand this please help me.

  • Please note that to further enable critical platform, marketing, and sales investments while operating sustainably, we will also be making adjustments to the instructor revenue share for our subscription model in 2025 and 2026. The updated share for subscriptions will be changed to 17.5% in January 2025, and 15% in January 2026.

Best Answer

  • GR
    GR Posts: 4 researcher rank
    Answer ✓

    It means if your course is in Udemy Business Catalog then you will get 17.5 % of the revenue which Udemy earns from this course in 2025, 15 % in 2026. Currently it is 20 %. Last year it was 25 %. Hope they don't reduce it further in 2027😐️