Confusion about microphone

Hi Team

Im looking at the "Top audio and video tools for your course" document and it recommends two different microphones. ie one for the Talking head recording and a different one for the screencast recording.

If i want to do a screencase and have a talking head in the corner of the screen which microphone will that use?

any idea?


  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 1,983 Udemy rank

    Hi @zismail,

    Thank you so much for your post, and I apologize for the delayed response. I hope you're doing well!

    Generally, you can use any microphone for talking head recordings. One of the most popular options among our community instructors is the Blue Yeti, although I understand it might seem a bit large on screen.

    We’ve had two similar discussions in the community that you might find helpful. You can check them out here and here.

    I also recommend checking out our latest webinar on Audio & Visual. I'm sure it contains valuable information that can be helpful on your instructor journey.

    If you have any additional questions, feel free to let me know.